Blogging......This completely out of my comfort zone! All these words running around in my head. Can I unscramble them enough to complete a sensible text? Hopefully, writer's block doesn't tackle me to the ground! LOLOL...Bear with me.
I had a dream that I believe was divinely inspired. A portion of it was about Christians' and strength. So where do I go from here? It's hard to have faith without action. I had to do something about the dream. Make it come alive.
Think about it, we see images daily: on billboards, commercials, our phones, laptops, magazines, etc..
Remember the old Reese's commercial where peanut butter and chocolate merged together to make the actual Reese's Cup? I can do something similar to that.
I can merge my love of tee shirts (I've collected many over the years) and design images I'd like to see. So I did.
Drum roll please!! I present to you: Praz Judah T-shirts & More!
Let's go.....